November 03, 2009

Really Simple to Take Credit.

Sorry Frannie hasn't found much lately, Frannie hasn't been sittin on her fanny writing. 

I love the magazine Real Simple.  It'd be super easy to be like 'Oh look what Frannie found, and made up all on her own', but I'm not gonna do that.  I was reading the latest issue of Real Simple and found some really good stuff... so now I will share it with you. 

1. Does your dog's collar jingle jangle?  Yes?  Well if you want it to stop... you can place key protectors on the tags to stop the noise.  Well, I kind of enjoy the noise.   My dogs have the tendency to creep up on me real bad if I can't hear them coming.  Like, weird weird creepy stalking dogs.  One minute I'm standing in the kitchen, and the next my dog is standing 5 inches away from me staring at me like he was there the whole time.  I'm not okay with that.  By the way.. the picture up top is of my dogs.  Boo and Kael.  Boo, the creeper, is on the right.  I mean he doesn't look possessed at all, right? RIGHT?

2. is a website that allows you to go on and get an estimate on repair work for your automobile.  For example, let's say I (the sweet, innocent, unsuspecting, not to mention trusting girl) walk into an autoshop to get my brakes fixed.  How would I know how much that would cost? I wouldn't.  Whyyyy would I research that? I wouldn't because I'm too busy being smart and innocent... and trusting.  Well go on to this site, and it will give you the true approximate cost of the repair for YOUR car and you can even factor in your location to the cost.

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